Exploration of this abandoned asylum located in the Land of Brandenburg in Germany. With several small buildings, the place has...
This abandoned asylum includes several buildings each bigger than the one before. During a storming and raining day, we explored...
This mental hospital opened in 1930 and closed its doors in 2002. Through its corridors, it remained clothes from patients and...
This asylum is huge with a lot of buildings. It was a little complicated to explore it because some buildings...
This castle which was once a mental asylum is an incredible place. Located in the South of France, we discovered...
In Ile-de-France, close to Paris, there is an abandoned asylum with about ten buildings. The place is not completely closed...
Located in the heart of an Italian city, we found this huge asylum. Just arriving on the place, the facade...
One of our best explorations, this asylum is a museum of the old medicine. It remains a lot of things....
Exploration of this abandoned mental hospital in Norway with beautiful massive buildings. This place was shut down in the mid...