Hôtel abandonné sur l'île d'Hachijo-jima au Japon | urbexsession.com/hachijo-royal-hotel | Urbex Japon

Hachijo Royal Hotel

We went to Hachijō-jima, an Izu Island located approximately 287 kilometers south of Tokyo. We explored one of the largest hotels and most luxurious hotel in Japan. This luxury hotel opened in 1963. In 1996 the Hachijo Royal Hotel reopened as the Pricia Resort, which closed in August 2003 to re-open in 2004 as the Hachijo Oriental Resort. When the tourism boom came to an end, it struggled to attract guests and finally closed in 2006. The island is probably most famous as a diving spot, a tiny island that no one visits anymore.


Trick: The Movie 2: